When we first started DHT Ventures, we simply wanted to invent cool stuff and sell them.  We relished seeing problems, finding solutions, and sharing those solutions with others.  Some of those solutions turn into products; others are simply providing ideas or suggesting a different way to approach the problem.  With our products, each of them has arisen out of personal need and has a personal story attached to it.

As a company, our goal is to offer high-quality products that you’ll be delighted that you purchased the first time you use them.  Our greatest satisfaction is derived from the feedback from our customers that we have helped them, either with our products or through our customer service.

Ultimately, enjoying safety and peace of mind enables us to better appreciate and savor our life’s adventures.  Overall, that’s makes for a pretty meaningful mission for us to be passionate about.  Along the way, we get to invent some cool, new things.  What more can we ask for?


INTEGRITY: As a company, having the trust of our customers is paramount. Without trust, there is little basis to move forward. But trust is built on integrity, so we must conduct ourselves with integrity at every moment.

RESPECT: Diversity brings richness to our community and culture. Differences in thought or opinion are not a bad thing, and respecting those differences doesn’t mean you have to agree. We have a saying: I don’t have to like you to respect you, but I have to respect you to like you.

QUALITY: Don’t just do it. Do it right.

FAIRNESS: We believe in achievements being rewarded, but everyone should have the same chance to do so.

BALANCE: Extremism in any form is biased and exclusionary — this is not a good thing. I once asked my dad: “Orange juice is good for you, so is drinking too much orange juice bad for you?” He replied, “Too much of anything is bad. That’s why it’s called ‘too much’.”